How Diet and Nutrition can Enhance Fertility
From a Resolve chat - hosted by Renee A Simon, MS, CNS. Renee Simon, MS, CNS, is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, writer, and seminar leader who specializes in nutrition, exercise, and the mind/body connection.
[KristinaV] Is there anything else men can do besides take zinc from a dietary or nutritional perspective?
[Renee Simon] Kristina V, there is some new research on the use of Carnitine for male factor fertility as well as information on using essential fatty acids, selenium and other antioxidants for free radical protection.
[cyndi2000] What are some strategies to overcoming functional amenorrhea?
[Renee Simon] cyndi2000, having the right essential fatty acid balance is very important for all aspects of female reproductive health. Most of us have a poor balance based on consuming the American diet which is high in saturated and trans fats. I usually recommend a balance of EPA and GLA to help with this and many other problems.
[Bee] What are EPA and GLA?
[Renee Simon] Bee, they are essential fatty acids that the body needs. They are responsible for building prostaglandins which are the precursors to hormones.
[MSB] What is Vitex?
[Renee Simon] MSB, Vitex is an herb that has been studied to help egg quality and luteal phase defect problems.
[2bears] What kind of supplements is it that you use to help your PCOS patients?
[Renee Simon] 2bears, I use supplements to help balance insulin naturally like chromium, vanadium, magnesium, and zinc. Not everyone who has PCOS has trouble with insulin balance and weight, however
[Amy MacDonald] What nutrition advice might you provide someone trying to avoid miscarriage?
[Renee Simon] Amy MacDonald, I have worked with many women who have had multiple miscarriages and then a successful pregnancy when enhancing their diet. The diet should be as clean as possible (free of toxins and preservatives). There are also studies that show that vitamins C, E and B12 may prevent miscarriage.
[Guest] What are your feelings on green tea, raspberry tea and wheat grass to enhance fertility? Also what can be done to help lower high Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)?
[Renee Simon] Guest, green tea has high antioxidant value and is very helpful for everything. To avoid the caffeine take the bag out after two minutes. Raspberry tea is okay but in my mind less conclusive. Wheat grass helps to alkalinize the body. Most of us have very acidic body's based on the average American diet so what ever we can do to get in better balance is good. Regarding lowering FSH, I have helped many patients with this with all of the things I am discussing. By following a healthy diet and practicing regular exercise and stress management techniques, FSH is often lowered.
[Bonnie] I've heard a lot recently about soy having a negative impact on fertility. Is this true?
[Renee Simon] Bonnie, soy is very controversial. I would recommend that you don't over load on soy while it is being further researched, however if you have low estrogen or egg quality it could be helpful as it has natural estrogenetic qualities.
[Jill] Do you have any recommendations for a thin uterine lining?
[Renee Simon] Jill, with a thin uterine lining I have to say consumption of healthy fats in fish, fish oils and nuts and building up healthy cells with the right amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein.
[Emadde] Are there any known supplements/vitamins/foods that promote egg quality/quantity?
[Renee Simon] Emadde, pretty much everything I have said will help with egg quality. I often use Vitex and antioxidants as well when this is a problem.
Full chat transcript: Online Chat Transcript - April 20th, 2005
by Zita West
-- Embarking on IVF—or any assisted fertility treatment—can be a very demanding and stressful experience, but the right physical, nutritional, and emotional support can lessen these stresses and strains and increase the chances of success.
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Category: Fertility, Nutritional Counseling, suppliments, Vitamins