Health Tip: Infertility's Emotional Toll
Infertility often is a complicated medical problem that can trigger many emotions.
The experience can spark reminders of unresolved emotional issues, and may launch a major assault on a person's self esteem.
When should you seek emotional support?
According to the National Infertility Association, if you are experiencing any of the following, you should see an infertility counselor or therapist:
• You have felt sad, depressed or hopeless for longer than two weeks.
• You have noticed significant changes in your appetite.
• You are having trouble sleeping or are sleeping more than usual. You awaken not feeling rested.
• You feel anxious, agitated and worried much of the time.
• You have panic attacks -- particularly related to infertility situations or issues. You have lost interest in activities that once were enjoyable.
• You have trouble concentrating, are easily distracted, or have difficulty making decisions.
• You have persistent feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
• You feel easily irritated, angry and frustrated.
• You have thoughts of death or dying. You have lost interest in sex.
• Relationships with friends and family are no longer rewarding, and you prefer being alone.
Source: Yahoo!News (HealthDay)
Photo credit: kamuelaboy,
on MorgueFile
by Julia Indichova
-- One in six couples in America will experience reproductive problems. Julia Indichova and her husband were part of that statistic.
According to several fertility specialists Julia's high FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) level was an indication that her body was no longer producing fertilizable eggs.
Her only chance of conceiving, they said, was in-vitro-fertilization with a donor egg.
After a futile quest for a more hopeful prognosis, Julia searched through a variety of holistic alternatives and finally decided upon a personal healing regimen.
She followed it as single-mindedly , as one would follow a doctor's prescription of antibiotics. Her daughter Adira was conceived naturally, eight months later, and was born on April 29, 1994.

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Category: grief, infertile, infertility, secondary infertility