Is Vitex or Wild Yam a Good Idea For You?
Herbs like Wild Yam and Vitex have been found to encourage ovulation, but only if you have the imbalance known as kidney yang vacuity (which includes luteal phase defect and low progesterone levels,) according to the pattern differentiation of Chinese medicine.
If you are deficient in yin energies (like estrogen), taking wild yam and/or vitex will make your scenario worse.
Yin deficiency symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, dry eyes, mouth, vagina, lack of cervical mucus, etc.
Herbs like angelica and asparagi would be appropriate here to restore reproductive balance.
Yang deficiency symptoms include low back pain, cold hands and feet, nighttime urination, low libido, etc.
Herbs like Vitex and wild yam will help this scenario restore endocrine health.
by Dr. Merryl J. Polak
-- Initially apprehensive about becoming a mother, Emma mapped out her life plans steered by fulfillment of a happy marriage and career.
She thought she might one day feel ready and willing to add the role of mother to her life's responsibilities, but she had not quite figured out when that would occur.
When Emma's biological clock smacked her upside the head and she suddenly craved motherhood over every other aspect of life, she was stunned to discover that she could not get pregnant.
After a year of ovulation test kits and timed baby making under her belt, it was inevitable that other avenues needed exploration.
After pursuing every option, including adoption, Emma learned that becoming a parent was not as simple a process as she had always envisioned.

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Category: estrogen, supplements, suppliments, vitex, wild yam