Increasing Blood Flow with Castor Oil Packs
A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation (blood flow) and to promote elimination and healing of the tissues and organs underneath the skin (like acupuncture). It is also helpful for menstrual irregularities, as well as uterine and ovarian cysts. Good circulation is necessary for supportive nutrients to be delivered to the cells, and for waste products and inflammatory factors to be removed.
It is a simple, pain-free way of detoxing. The reason it is used in trying to conceive is to increase the blood flow to the reproductive organs, which should help assist with better egg quality and improved implantation.
"The castor oil pack is a simple procedure, yet it can produce wonderful results. Physiological effects of the castor oil pack include, but are not limited to: stimulating the liver, increasing eliminations, relieving pain, increasing lymphatic circulation, improving gastrointestinal function, increasing relaxation, and reducing inflammation."
To do this cheaply, you can use an old flat cloth diaper (or you can use an old flannel nightie or sheet, just tear off a piece) and buy your castor oil at the local health food store. You can also get it at the drug store, but you will probably get twice as much for a better price at the health food store.
To make:
Fold the flannel into fourths. Place the flannel in a plastic container or plastic bag. Saturate the flannel with the castor oil, but not so much that it is drippy. Leave it to soak, until it the oil is spread evenly across the flannel.
Store in a plastic container, or plastic bag, in the fridge between uses - you can use the same pack over and over - about 50 times or when it starts to turn yellow. Instead of a heating pad, you can just warm your pack up in the microwave for 1-1 1/2 minutes. On top of the plastic, put a thick folded towel to help hold the heat in. Then you can heat up a rice pack and put that on your back - so you get nice even heat to the reproductive organs.
You can use the castor oil pack every day if you have the time, you just have to sit quietly so you can do it while you read, rest, watch TV or use the computer. But stop for a couple of days if you get diarrhea.
What makes Castor Oil so special?
Castor oil is a triglyceride of fatty acids. Almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content consists of ricinoleic acid. To my knowledge, ricinoleic acid is not found in any other substance except castor oil. Such a high concentration of this unusual, unsaturated fatty acid is thought to be responsible for castor oil's remarkable healing abilities.
When in your cycle can you use this?
Use from about day 3 till ovulation. Packs should not be used while you are bleeding heavily. Use at least three times per week for sixty minutes each time to improve blood flow. This regimen should be followed for at least three months and then can be tapered to once a week.
Can you use them after ovulation?
My naturopath says you can continue to use them, but stay away from using hot water bottles and heating pads with them, because they keep your body temp up for a prolonged time.
Safety precautions
Castor oil should not be taken internally. Do not use a heated castor oil pack for uterine growths, cancer tumors, or ulcers. Don't use once you find out you are pregnant, while breast-feeding, or heavily menstruating. Don't apply over broken skin.

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Category: castor oil, circulation, detox