How frequently should I have sex?
More the merrier!
The simple rules of probability apply to baby making too. It is a myth to think you should have less sex in order to conceive. All the evidence shows that the more you have sex, the better your chances of getting pregnant. With the way our lives are getting cramped and fast paced, it is not surprising that infertility experts regularly observe how many people are having problems trying to get pregnant because they are simply not having sex often enough, especially during the woman's most fertile few days of her cycle – ovulation.
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Sex during ovulation
To capitalize on your chances of getting pregnant you must first understand ovulation and why it is important for conception. It is the most fertile period in your cycle when the egg or ovum is released into the uterus. During this fertile period you need to make love every couple of days. By doing this you can almost double your chances of getting pregnant. Remember that the sperm can live for anywhere from 48-72 hours within the woman's reproductive system depending on the how favorable the cervical environment is. Sexual intercourse every 2-3 days, around or at the time of ovulation, should be adequate to achieve pregnancy.
Full article: Do I Need to Have Sex Every Day to Get Pregnant?
by Brooks Hansen
-- Offering men a chance to be heard and women a rare opportunity to view the struggle with infertility from a male perspective, The Brotherhood of Joseph brings to life the anger, frustration, humor, heartbreak, and sense of helplessness that come to dominate the husband's role.
As his remarkable account reaches its finale in Siberia, however, Hansen's once again becomes the story of a husband and a wife who, even after years of medical frustration and fruitless paperwork, still must take one last risk together and trust in their most basic instincts before their new family can be born.

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Category: conception, Fertility, infertility, Male Fertility, ovulation, pregnancy, sperm