Male infertility? Blame it on missing protein
Adding a missing protein to infertile human sperm can 'kick-start' its ability to fertilize an egg and dramatically increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, a new study has claimed.
Researchers from Cardiff University have found that sperm transfers a vital protein, known as PLC-zeta (PLCz), to the egg upon fertilization.
This sperm protein initiates a process called 'egg activation' which sets off all the biological processes necessary for development of an embryo.
The research team has found that eggs that don't fertilize because of a defective PLCz, as in some forms of male infertility, can be treated with the active protein to produce egg activation.
The added PLCz kick-starts the fertilization process and significantly improves the chance of a successful pregnancy.
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by Leslie R. Schover and Anthony J. Thomas Jr.
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Category: defective PLCz, embryo, infertility, Male Fertility, sperm