Frozen Embryos Better IVF Success Rate
For couples trying to conceive using the in-vitro fertilization technique, a new study suggests that using frozen embryos rather than the fresh embryos increased the probability of having a healthier pregnancy and welcoming a baby.
Scientists of the University of Aberdeen including Dr. Abha Maheshwari, studied the data gathered from 11 international studies including 37, 000 IVF pregnancies.
They studied both the pregnancy cases where fresh embryos were implanted into the mother's womb and those where the embryos were frozen.
The researchers found that using stored embryos reduced the risk of bleeding during pregnancy, premature birth, and giving birth to underweight baby by a third.
The risk of the baby passing away closer to the end of the pregnancy was also reduced by one fifth.
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Category: Egg Freezing, embryo, IVF, IVF-ET