Fertility through weight loss
With new research suggesting being overweight is a contributory factor in long term conception and fertility problems in men, the 7 Day Detox Clinic from Homefield Grange is ideal for men looking to shift those extra pounds and begin their journey to a new, healthier lifestyle.
Working towards a healthier lifestyle is not something limited just to ladies looking for the body beautiful.
Looking after your body is something everybody needs to consider and weight loss for men is becoming a very serious issue.
Figures from the World Health Organization suggest 48% of male adults are obese and this impacts negatively on everything from their physical health to their fertility, as new research has discovered.
Reproductive experts at the University of Melbourne have just released research showing obesity can significantly affect the efficiency of sperm.
This new research shows that it's just not women who need to get in shape when trying to conceive, men need to be healthy too.
At Homefield Grange, the ultimate 7 Day Detox and Weight Loss Programme is designed to conquer those extra pounds and teach participants a healthier way to live.
Attending the programme at Homefield Grange gives participants a chance to enjoy the rural Nottinghamshire surroundings whilst working towards a fitter, healthier self.
The 7 day detox programme is filled with classes covering nutrition, exercise and more.
Daily exercise classes include non-impact sessions such as Yoga and Pilates, with specific fat-burning classes also scheduled.
by Tami Quinn and Beth Heller
-- Women who are trying to conceive will find a holistic approach in this hands-on manual.
Step-by-step guidelines help implement a three-part program — of yoga, hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory nutrition, and stress-reduction techniques — to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit in preparation for pregnancy.
In addition, this program draws on cleansing methods from traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda and has been specifically designed for women who are trying naturally or with assisted-reproduction plans.
Also based on new clinical research that suggests that gut health, chronic inflammation, and environmental toxins may be root causes of infertility, this important book offers all women a natural, holistic approach to readying the womb for a child.

Click to order/for more info: The Infertility Cleanse

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Category: detox, Fertility, Male Fertility, obesity, sperm, weight loss