Bisphenol A (BPA) Could Affect Fertility
Bisphenol A (BPA) is getting more bad press these days -- this time on the female fertility front.
A research team headed by Julie Lamb, MD, from the University of California, San Francisco, reported that BPA may have a negative impact on female fertility.
The researchers measured BPA levels in the blood of patients undergoing their first cycle of IVF. Of 41 women, 93 percent had quantifiable levels of BPA. Women who did not become pregnant were more likely to have higher BPA levels than women with lower BPA levels.
In addition, a team headed up by Lusine Aghajanova, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco, has concluded that even short-term exposure of uterine cells to BPA can interfere with the way that they develop and prepare for a possible pregnancy (for example, creating a suitable cellular environment to allow the embryo to implant successfully).
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by Dr. Merryl J. Polak
-- Initially apprehensive about becoming a mother, Emma mapped out her life plans steered by fulfillment of a happy marriage and career.
She thought she might one day feel ready and willing to add the role of mother to her life's responsibilities, but she had not quite figured out when that would occur.
When Emma's biological clock smacked her upside the head and she suddenly craved motherhood over every other aspect of life, she was stunned to discover that she could not get pregnant.
After a year of ovulation test kits and timed baby making under her belt, it was inevitable that other avenues needed exploration.
After pursuing every option, including adoption, Emma learned that becoming a parent was not as simple a process as she had always envisioned.

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Category: Fertility, implantation, IVF