Catherine McDiarmid-Watt |
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 |
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"Super-fertility" may explain why some women have multiple miscarriages, according to a team of doctors.
They say the wombs of some women are too good at letting embryos implant, even those of poor quality which should be rejected.
The UK-Dutch study
published in the journal PLoS ONE said the resulting pregnancies would then fail.
One expert welcomed the findings and hoped a test could be developed for identifying the condition in women.
Recurrent miscarriages - losing three or more pregnancies in a row - affect one in 100 women in the UK.
Doctors at Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton and the University Medical Center Utrecht, took samples from the wombs of six women who had normal fertility and six who had had recurrent miscarriages.
Quality testing
High or low-quality embryos were placed in a channel created between two strips of the womb cells.
Cells from women with normal fertility started to grow and reach out towards the high-quality embryos. Poor-quality embryos were ignored.
Prof Nick Macklon, a consultant at the Princess Anne Hospital, said:
"Many affected women feel guilty that they are simply rejecting their pregnancy.
"But we have discovered it may not be because they cannot carry, [but] it is because they may simply be super-fertile, as they allow embryos which would normally not survive to implant."
He added:
"When poorer embryos are allowed to implant, they may last long enough in cases of recurrent miscarriage to give a positive pregnancy test."
This theory still needs further testing and will not explain all miscarriages.
Dr Siobhan Quenby, from the Royal College Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, told the BBC:
"This theory is really quite attractive. It is lovely. It's a really important paper that will change the way we think about implantation."
"It had been thought that rejecting normal embryos resulted in miscarriage, but what explains the clinical syndrome is that everything is being let in."
She said research would now need to discover whether this could be tested for in women and whether their receptiveness to embryos could be altered.

I Never Held You: Miscarriage, Grief, Healing and Recovery
by Ellen M. DuBois
-- Speaks to the heart of women, their families and friends who have either lived through the pain and grief after pregnancy loss, or who want to better support someone who has.
Author Ellen M. DuBois shares her own painful journey after loss taking you from her darkest moments of grief, despair, isolation, anxiety, fear and depression to the steps she took towards healing and recovery.
Her suggestions prove to be helpful in balancing the emotional peaks and valleys after suffering such a heartbreaking loss.
I Never Held You validates your grief after losing a baby to loss, and assures you that you're not alone in your struggle.
With the help of contributing author Dr. Linda Backman, Ed.D., licensed grief counselor, psychologist and author, you'll come to better understand grief - and why it's so important to allow yourself the time necessary to heal.
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