How to gauge best time to get pregnant?
The fertile time is the best time a woman has strong chances of conception. Ovulation is the release of ovum from the ovaries. A woman’s fertile window if she has a regular cycle that lasts 28 days is between days 10 to 14. Time your intercourse during these days to conceive naturally. Here are some tips to help you identify the best time to conceive.
Know your menstrual cycle length — Make a note of the average days of last six cycles you have had. The full menstrual cycle is the duration from the first day of your menstrual cycle until the last day after which you’ll have your next period. If your last six cycles include cycles while you were on pills, do not count them. To figure out the best time to conceive, you must know your cycle length.
When you ovulate — From the end day of your cycle, count back 18 days and mark this day. For example, if you have a cycle of 32 days, 18 days from the end will be day 14. Similarly, count back 14 days from the end of the cycle and now you get day 18. In this case, the fertile time, which is best to get pregnant, is from day 14 to 18. In women with a normal menstrual cycle .i.e, 28 days, the projected fertile time is day 10 to 14 during which ovulation happens.
Baby-making window — Each morning prior to ovulation, check your body temperature with a basal thermometer. This is the first thing you should do after waking up in the morning. Make a chart of your daily body temperature to track its pattern. Immediately before ovulation, your basal body temperature will be low and you will be secreting mucus. This is the appropriate time to conceive and with favourable conditions, you can surely conceive.
Take a note of signs of ovulation — Keep a tab on your menstrual cycle every month. Look for signs of ovulation, such as increased basal body temperature during the days when you are ovulating, cervical mucus at the vaginal opening and whether it is clear and slippery. This is the best time when you should try to have a baby.
Once you have acquired the knowledge about your average cycle length, fertile mucous signs and basal body temperature pattern, you can efficiently determine the most favourable time to conceive in each cycle. Try your luck folks and who knows you’ll be pregnant soon!
Courtesy: Onlymyhealth
Photo credit: Onlymyhealth
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by Sherman J. Silber
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Category: Basal body temperature, conception, Fertility, menstrual cycles, natural cycle, ovulation