CycleBeads To Plan Or Prevent Pregnancy
Cycle Technologies is proud to announce that it has expanded on CycleBeads®, the original way to use the Standard Days Method© - a natural family planning method, and is now offering a range of tools to plan or prevent pregnancy.
CycleBeads is a hands-on visual tool that can be used by women worldwide as the most effective natural family planning method. iCycleBeads™ smartphone apps and the iCycleBeads Online web version, are interactive tools that can help women use this natural family planning method through their phones or online.
CycleBeads is unique among family planning methods in that it is natural, highly effective, and easy to use. The CycleBeads tools use a color-coded representation of a woman’s menstrual cycle to help identify whether she is on a non-fertile day or a fertile day.
In addition, they help monitor that her cycles are in range in order to achieve the most effective use of this family planning method. Any woman, whether she is seeking to have children or not, can benefit from using one of these family planning tools.
CycleBeads work the best for women with menstrual cycles that are generally between 26 and 32 days long. Using CycleBeads will aid a woman in determining if her cycles are in this range and whether they stay in this range.
Women with menstrual cycles who are outside the 26 and 32 day range should use a different method of family planning to prevent pregnancy.
Any woman seeking the best natural birth control can use CycleBeads or the iCycleBeads apps as a tool to plan or prevent pregnancy.
To hear more about CycleBeads visit
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by CycleBeads
-- CycleBeads are an easy way to use a natural family planning method.
CycleBeads® help you plan or prevent pregnancy naturally - naturally. This visual tool helps you track your cycle and clearly IDENTIFY THE DAYS you could become pregnant and when pregnancy is most unlikely. Based on a method of family planning that is more than 95% EFFECTIVE in preventing pregnancies when used correctly. Instructions: Simply move the ring one bead each day in the direction of the arrow.
The colors tell you whether you are likely to get pregnant on that day or not. The RED bead marks the first day of your period. the BROWN bead mark the days when pregnancy is very unlikely. The DARK BROWN beads tells you if your cycle is shorter than 26 days. The WHITE beads mark the days when pregnancy is most likely.

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Category: Basal body temperature, Cervical Mucus, Charting, natural cycle