Women smokers risk infertility
Explaining the effects of tobacco consumption, Dr Kamini Rao, chairman, Bangalore Assisted Reproductive Center, says:
"The female to male relative risk ratio for smoking is about 25:1, thus it puts women at a higher risk. Nicotine in tobacco can directly affect the chromosome and lead to infertility.
It can be a reason behind premature labour and child's quality of life may suffer if the mother is a smoker. Child may also born mentally retarded."
Says Dr Ganesh Vashishta, chief medical oncologist, BGS Global Hospitals:
"In several awareness programmes I have addressed in the city, I have observed that around 25% of the audience were women in the age group of 20 -30 who were smokers.
The reasons quoted for smoking included work pressure, and also a belief that smoking would help them lose weight.
Though these educated young women are aware of the ill-effects of smoking, they believe that smoking 1-2 mild cigarettes is safe.
However this is not true, it can have the same ill-effects as the regular cigarettes as they take a deeper puff."
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Photo Credit: ilris
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