PCOS - affecting more than 1 in 15 women worldwide
Women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – a complex disorder of the endocrine system affecting more than 1 in 15 women worldwide and rising, according to a 2007 report by The Lancet – often find themselves desperately seeking relief from their myriad of symptoms, including: infertility, increased risk of miscarriage, weight gain and obesity, increased hair growth, acne and multiple small cysts in their ovaries.

Diagnosed with PCOS at just 17 years old, now internationally acclaimed author, PCOS expert and experienced clinician, Dr. Rebecca Harwin suffered for years at the hands of this devastating disorder. “I was given no useful advice. My doctors told me that I might need help if I wanted to have children and to come back then to be put on medication. That was it,” Harwin remarked.
“I then suffered with the excessive weight gain and obesity, and the frustration of years of trying unsuccessfully to lose weight and keep it off, that often comes with PCOS. I didn't have a natural period or ovulate for more than 15 years. I had acne, and excessive hair growth, mood swings, hot flashes; I was tired and had low self-esteem. I was the epitome of PCOS, and I hated it!”
Typical treatment protocols for PCOS include a whole host of medications. From birth control pills and insulin-sensitizing medications to ovulation induction, anti-androgen medicines and topical medications, many of these conventional treatment paths can prove both ineffective and even toxic to the body.
In a desperate search for a better way, Rebecca Harwin slowly and systematically developed a newer, natural approach to PCOS relief – a method she’s now compiled into an exhaustive treatment plan online and in her new book, ‘Conquer Your PCOS Naturally’.
“I won my battle against PCOS and I did it without the invasive treatments, toxic chemicals and ineffective interventions that current medicine has to offer. I lost approximately 20kg, and have kept it off. My period returned, and I remember exactly where I was the first time I ovulated. I no longer suffer from acne, mood swings, hot flashes, my energy levels are balanced, and my excessive hair has reduced.”
Dr Harwin’s motivation? “I knew many other women were suffering just as I had done and I also knew there was very limited accurate information available. I realized I had a responsibility to get this powerful information into the hands, minds and hearts of other women with PCOS. My book ‘Conquer Your PCOS Naturally’ is dedicated to helping women regain their health, boost their fertility, restore their period, lose excessive weight, and live a PCOS-symptom free life,” she said.
Still a movement in its infancy, the ‘Conquer Your PCOS Naturally’ approach is already enjoying a steady a stream of accolades and affirmations from PCOS patients and medical professionals across the globe.
According to Stacy Miller of Raleigh, North Carolina, the book has been “life changing”. After feeling “lost in a sea of information” following her diagnosis for over a year, Miller found that reading the book armed her with the information she needed to reduce her disease risk and improve her fertility. “I feel now that I have the power to control my body, instead of continuing to let my body control me,” she said.
Dana Adams, a PCOS sufferer and recent convert to the natural treatment path, agreed and pointed out that ‘Conquer Your PCOS Naturally’ is the first thing she’s read on the subject that didn’t leave her mystified. “One can certainly mine the internet for information, but be warned, you will be overwhelmed with an astounding amount of recommendations of supplements, medications, therapies and the like. While there are some books out there that address the issue of PCOS, Dr. Harwin [looks] at your health and wellness as a whole, giving excellent advice on nutrition, stress management, food toxicity, supplements, exercise, and the holy grail for those of us trying to conceive, fertility. [It’s] one of the best books I have read on the subject.”
Dr. Joel Fugleberg, himself a proponent of natural treatment alternatives for PCOS sufferers, called the book not only a must read for PCOS sufferers, but also for the “health care provider looking to broaden their own understanding of this condition.”
Dr. Michael Elstein of the Eternal Health Medical Center in Sydney, Australia, agreed by commenting, “I love this book’s clarity and precision. This is a book not only for the layperson suffering from this disorder but also for the professional who wants a definitive guide for treating it.” Elstein also added, “What I love about Dr. Rebecca Harwin’s book is that it is a simple easy to read journey through all the natural means of attacking what is arguably the number one metabolic and hormonal disaster that is compromising the lives of so many women.”

About Dr. Rebecca Harwin, author of ‘Conquer Your PCOS Naturally’
International author, PCOS expert and experienced clinician Dr. Rebecca Harwin has been helping women improve their health for many years. Dr. Rebecca has completed eight years of intensive University study, and holds three undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science, a Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science), and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology). She has also completed thousands of hours of further health studies.
Dr Rebecca is also giving away 3 chapters on her book by just going to ConquerYourPCOSNaturally.com
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Category: Fertility, obesity, ovarian cysts, PCOS, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome