In-fertility is a State of Mind
PressRelease -- The aim of the book - Forgotten Secrets of Natural Conception - How your Mind Affects your Fertility by Martina Pangrazzi is to help couples better understand how their behaviour affects their fertility. Through analysis of true stories of conception, including the author's own, Pangrazzi takes the readers on a journey to show them how they can help themselves and how they can find out what's available 'out there' and 'in there' in order to achieve a miracle.
We are struggling to have children despite the fact that it is one of the most natural things to happen. Instead of offering low cost drastic treatments and drugs, shouldn't we be resolving the real cause of in-fertility? It is not only the fast-paced nature of modern life that causes in-fertility, but there is a lot more involved in creating each life.
Somehow knowing less about the practical side of how to conceive might be a little more helpful. Everyone wants to take control of their fertility; everyone wants to plan their baby, but do we really need to have everything under control? Couples drive themselves to mental exhaustion while obsessing about their fertility and are left disappointed and skeptical.
Researches in the past found that there are women with secondary conditions related to in-fertility. These conditions are related to their mind and body connections and by overcoming psychological-body and mind issues they have a greater chance of conceiving naturally. So why aren't we concentrating on helping people in this situation?
Couples would hugely benefit if they were shown how their obsessive behaviour and craving for a baby often creates a stressed body that will not create a new life.
Desperate longing for a baby can make your body stop working in the right order. Any hidden negative beliefs about motherhood or subconscious fears or other abuse that you may have witnessed in the past can also affect your fertility. There is more and more proof every day that your mind is the first thing that you need to take care of in order to help your body heal.
Setting unrealistic goals for ourselves like "I want to become pregnant by a certain time" or "I must change my diet" is what creates stress and pressure. Many women who try to get pregnant over time create a lot of negative thoughts and feelings. When couples are trying to conceive for years, they can't stop themselves from thinking that they may never be able to conceive. All of these negative thoughts and beliefs have a huge effect on their body.
by Martina Pangrazzi
-- Though analysis of true stories of conception, including her own, Pangrazzi takes the reader on a journey to show them how their mind affects their ability to conceive as well as the connection we all have with the universe.
The book explores the fact that infertility appears to be on the rise, regardless of the scientific knowledge and information available about conception.
By helping the reader to recognize the signs of fertility that our own bodies give us every month, rather than relying on expensive kits, this book aims to remind women that they are a part of their own body and to listen to their inner voices.
By explaining how the subconscious mind works and how to dissolve inner blocks, Martina teaches the reader how to accept help and be more positive.
Through various simple mental exercises she reveals how to replace damaging, detrimental thoughts (such as
I will never be able to have a baby) with a more harmonious state of mind.
The book also explores the concept that pregnancy is a highly spiritual matter, and that the whole universe is involved in creating each life. By understanding that like attracts like, readers are shown how to resolve the pressure and desperate longing for a baby.
In addition to relaxation methods and positive affirmations presented throughout the chapters, Martina also discusses different natural healing methods that help with fertility and giving the reader a better understanding of what’s available out there—and
inthere—to help with conception concerns.

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Category: conception, Fertility, pregnancy