Having Non-Pregnancy Goals While Trying to Conceive
A reader recently gave me some of the best advise I’ve gotten during my fertility journey:
“When I was waiting (and waiting and waiting) to become pregnant, it helped me to set little goals for myself outside of becoming pregnant – mine was running longer and faster – so I had something to work at and a feeling of accomplishment to look forward to outside of the realm of fertility.”
Since reading her words, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how much sense this goal-setting idea makes. And I’ve decided to set a few for myself.
It’s easy to think about nothing else but getting pregnant when you’re trying to conceive. In fact, it’s easy to become completely absorbed and focused only on getting pregnant. At times, it can feel overwhelming and as though nothing else in your life matters. And while it’s definitely the biggest concern of women, like myself, who are trying to conceive, it’s important that we don’t let it consume us.
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Ready: Why Women Are Embracing The New Later Motherhood
by Elizabeth Gregory
-- Over the past three decades, skyrocketing numbers of women have chosen to start their families in their late thirties and early forties.
In 2005, ten times as many women had their first child between the ages of 35 and 39 as in 1975, and thirteen times as many had their first between 40 and 44.
Women now have the option to define for themselves when they're ready for family, rather than sticking to a schedule set by social convention.
As a society, however, we have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon of later motherhood, and women who decide it makes sense for them to delay pregnancy often find themselves confronted with alarmist warnings about the dangers of waiting too long.
In Ready, Elizabeth Gregory tracks the burgeoning trend of new later motherhood and demonstrates that for many women today, waiting for family works best.
She provides compelling evidence of the benefits of having children later -- by birth or by adoption.

Click to order/for more info: Ready - US | CDN | UK

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Category: conception, pregnancy