Chinese treatment helped overcome in-fertility
“In school, I wasn’t the one saying ‘I want to be a teacher or a doctor,’ ” Dana Murphy says, tickling her eight-month-old daughter.
“I wanted to be a mom. It was always the most important thing to me.”
Murphy’s motherhood dreams have been realized, despite the odds, and she firmly believes Chinese medicine deserves the credit.
The 35-year-old was diagnosed in her teens with polycystic ovary syndrome, a common endocrine disorder among women which can cause infertility and a host of other unfortunate symptoms, among them obesity, facial hair, thinning hair and acne.
Murphy knew PCOS would make it difficult, maybe even impossible, for her to have children.
She and her husband, Chris, were up for the fertility challenges when they decided to become parents in 2008.
Little did they know how frustrated they would get with conventional medicine, how desperate they would become.
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Photo credit: Shaughn Butts
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by John C., II Jarrett and Deidra T. Rausch
-- This Fertility Guide provides a concise, sensible, appropriately scientific, but yet easily understood approach to modern fertility diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Jarrett and Dr. Rausch have translated their vast and highly successful clinical experience into a "must" for the couple who
want to have a baby more than anything else.
The most important contribution of this book is that it translates the
high techinto common sense and fills an important void in the specialty... -- E.P. Peterson, MD, Past President of American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Clinical Professor Dept OB/GYN University of Michigan.

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Category: Accupuncture, Fertility, PCOS, TCM, traditional Chinese medicine