15 Tips To Getting Pregnant Fast
What if you are a couple that are frustrated because you have been trying desperately to get pregnant and it’s just not happening?
1. See your doctor for a peri-conception visit and get your partner tested too.
2. Eat well and take your vitamin and folic acid supplement well before conception. Improve his health too!
3. Review all medication you take with your doctor including those that are over-the-counter and those that are prescribed.
4. Stop Smoking and drinking and go easy on the coffee.
5. Be at your optimal weight and exercise.
6. Relax, relax, relax.
7. See your dentist for a checkup and cleaning.
8. Check your health insurance coverage, review your options for leave at work and make a pregnancy and baby budget.
9. See an infertility specialist (Reproductive Endocrinologist, RE) if…
10. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor.
11. Have sex before ovulation (not after).
12. Don’t rely on the Calendar method for predicting ovulation.
13. Don’t rely on fertility charting alone to predict ovulation – test your temperature.
14. Have sex in positions that keep sperm inside the vagina longer.
15. Learn about natural fertility enhancing treatments.
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Photo Credit: bonvivant
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by Julia Indichova
-- A memoir of hope for the thousands of women struggling with infertility, from one who beat the odds by simply tuning in to her body and tapping her well of sheer determination.
At a time when more and more women are trying to get pregnant at increasingly advanced ages, fertility specialists and homeopathic researchers boast endless treatment options.
But when Julia Indichova made the rounds of medical doctors and nontraditional healers, she was still unable to conceive a child.
It was only when she forsook their financially and emotionally draining advice, turning inward instead, that she finally met with reproductive success. Inconceivable recounts this journey from hopeless diagnoses to elated motherhood.
Anyone who has faced infertility will relate to Julia's desperate measures: acupuncture, unidentifiable black-and-white pellets, herb soup, foul-smelling fruit, even making love on red sheets.
Five reproductive endocrinologists told her that there was no documented case of anyone in her hormonal condition getting pregnant, forcing her to finally embark on her own intuitive regimen.
After eight caffeine-free, nutrient-rich, yoga-laden months, complemented by visualization exercises, Julia received amazing news; incredibly, she was pregnant.
Nine months later she gave birth to a healthy girl.

Click to order/for more info: Inconceivable

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Category: CD3 testing, Diet, ovulation, Vitamins