Let’s Go Shopping for Sperm!
When we arrived at Fertility Center 1 (we have a separate appointment with Fertility Center 2 in a few weeks to decide which place, doctor, staff, nurses, etc., we want to take this journey with), the woman at the front desk seemed confused about who Sara was and why she was there — she even pointed to her and asked, “Does she have an appointment?”
Even though we were certain a fertility center would have experience with lesbian couples, we weren’t thrown off by the woman’s confusion. Stuff like that happens often — good or bad, like it or not, situations like this are unavoidable with same-sex couples.
In fact, I used to date a woman that other people often confused as my sister on more than one occasion, even as my twin once. You just get used to it and chalk it up as a learning tool for others. So I smiled at the receptionist and said, “No, she’s my wife.”
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by Rachel Pepper
-- covers everything you need to make the thrilling and challenging journey to motherhood: from choosing a donor to tracking fertility to signing the right papers on the dotted lines.
Rachel Pepper's lively, easy-to-read guide is the first place to go for up-to-date information and sage advice on everything from sex in the sixth month to negotiating family roles.
The resource section is greatly expanded, as are the sections on each trimester of pregnancy, on childbirth, and on life with a newborn.
And Pepper provides more insight into preconception planning for both single lesbians and couples.

Click to order/for more info: The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians

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Category: Fertility clinic, lesbian, sperm