First DHEA Supplement for Female Fertility
The launch took longer than expected, because Fertility Nutraceuticals, LLC - which developed the supplement - made unusual efforts to ensure that FERTINATAL™ DHEA for women would fulfill all of the required specifications which the product was designed for, with consistency across every tablet, according to Fertility Nutraceuticals.
The required repeat rounds of quality-assurance testing at independent laboratories delayed the launch, initially scheduled for January.
It was extremely frustrating, especially since we have seen increasing demand since we announced FERTINATAL last December,notes Yu Kizawa, the company's Director of Marketing and Sales.
Now, we are excited to be able to offer probably the most reliable micronized DHEA product on the market, and the only one specifically designed for women who have a difficult time conceiving.
FERTINATAL™ was developed with strict adherence to the specifications of the Center for Human Reproduction (, a research-driven fertility center in New York City that introduced DHEA supplementation for women with diminished ovarian reserve.
Because of the high-quality standard of FERTINATAL™, CHR, the only holder of female fertility-related U.S. patents for DHEA supplementation, endorses FERTINATAL™.
Over-the-counter DHEA products can be very inconsistent in quality, even within the same brand,explains Norbert Gleicher, MD, medical director of CHR.
Based on the unique quality control process of FERTINATAL™, we are confident that this product will deliver the kind of consistency and quality we, up to this point, have been able to achieve only through pharmacy-compounded DHEA by prescription. We, therefore, feel confident in endorsing FERTINATAL™.
by Sally Lewis and Nim Barnes
-- Practical advice and a holistic approach to help you conceive, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes, and do it yourself complementary therapies.
In this accessible and informative guide, Sally Lewis explains how age, sexual infections, diet, excess weight, stress, and anxiety affect fertility.
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