Men Think Sex After Seeing Red Dress
Red dresses muddle men’s minds, just ask The Matrix‘s Neo.
In a scene from the 1999 sci-fi film, the hero is famously ambushed after becoming distracted by a woman on the street wearing a slinky red outfit.
Now, a new study shows how such duds attain their sway.
Men rate women wearing red clothing as being more interested in sex, hinting that humans may be conditioned to associate the color with fertility.
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Enhancing Fertility: A Couple's Guide to Natural Approaches
by Chris D. Meletis and Liz Brown
-- This book is dedicated to the millions of couples who are trying to get pregnant without success.
Rather than assuming that you are infertile, you can try the many reliable natural remedies and resources in this book.
Barring physical problems beyond your control, you have the power to take charge of your health and boost your fertility.
The authors' goal is simple: to provide a clear guide to conception based on natural, safe, well-researched therapeutic approaches.
Nutritional, environmental, botanical, and physical medicines, as well as traditional Chinese medical practices and homeopathy, all offer ways to promote fertility.
Both men and women will find a wealth of helpful information on what to do-individually and together--to fully realize their fertility potential.
Even if infertility isn't a problem, and you are simply planning to get pregnant and want to deliver a healthy baby, this book will help improve your chances.
Anyone seeking to become a parent will benefit from this book's practical, time-tested wisdom.
The healthier a woman is, the greater likelihood the seed of life will find fertile soil and grow into a healthy baby.

Click to order/for more info: Enhancing Fertility

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Category: Fertility, Male Fertility, sex