Fertility Myths and Misconceptions
Fertility varies among populations and declines with age in both men and women, but the effects of age are more important in women than in men.
Below are some common myths and misconceptions about fertility:
♥ Age and Fertility
♥ Frequency of Intercourse
♥ Fertility Window
♥ Sexual Practices
♥ Diet
♥ Smoking
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by Katie Singer
-- A guide to using fertility awareness - that is, reading fertility signals in order to prevent or achieve pregnancy.
Certified fertility educator Katie Singer explains how to observe and chart fertility cycles to determine when a woman is most fertile to increase chances of conception, or to exercise birth control naturally - a method that, when followed precisely, is as effective as the Pill.
Unlike other books on fertility awareness, The Garden of Fertility also describes how to use the charts to gauge gynecological health and offers non-medical options for strengthening reproductive wellness.
This book provides all the information women never learned in sex education class, but should have.

Click to order/for more info: The Garden of Fertility