Team create human eggs from stem cells
An experiment that produced human eggs from stem cells could one day be a boon for women who are desperate to have a baby, according to a new study.
The work sweeps away the belief that a woman has only a limited stock of eggs and replaces it with the theory that the supply is continuously replenished from precursor cells in the ovary, its authors say.
"The prevailing dogma in our field for the better part of the last 50 or 60 years was that young girls at birth were given a bank account of eggs at birth that's not renewable," says Jonathan Tilly, director of the Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital, who led the research.
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by Julie Vargo and Maureen Regan
-- We are bombarded by images of blissful older mothers, such as Madonna and Celine Dion. But
Hollywoodarticles about pregnancy and fertility at middle age gloss over the tremendous amount of financial, emotional, and physical effort faced by couples struggling to conceive.
Ranges from technical to humorous and everything in between. What are good, snappy comebacks to the question,
Why aren't you pregnant?What is the difference between gonadotrophin releasing hormone and progesterone? Should you freeze your eggs?
These questions and many more are answered, and in the tone of a couple of good friends. Between them, the authors have gone through hormone treatments, pregnancy losses and multiple inseminations -- so they know firsthand the roller-coaster ride of trying to achieve pregnancy.

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Category: Old Eggs, ovaries, stem-cell research