Drugstore fertility test measures sperm count
SpermCheck Fertility Kit |
The blue-and-gold box, which features a smiling couple holding a newborn, will join more than two dozen varieties of female fertility tests in Walgreen stores. SpermCheck’s owner and distributor, closely held ContraVac Inc., is banking on women dropping an extra $40 for the test when they buy ovulation and pregnancy kits for themselves.
“In our society, the woman carries the burden of trying to determine the issues surrounding infertility,” said Ray Lopez, ContraVac’s chief executive officer. “Men don’t say, ‘Let me go to the urologist and give a semen sample.’”
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Overcoming Male Infertility
-- Hope and strategies for couples dealing with male infertility If you or your partner is suffering from male infertility, you're not alone. Millions of couples are struggling with this problem. About 40% of these couples have exclusively male infertility problems, while another 20% have both male and female infertility problems. Now, two leading experts, a urologist specializing in male infertility and a psychologist, team up to write the most complete guide available on male infertility. From the latest, state-of-the-art treatments to advice on how to handle the emotional aspects of male infertility, you'll find out where to get the help you need. Overcoming Male Infertility also covers the psychological issues that are unique to men, and gives advice to women on helping their man through the trauma of infertility treatment--including how to get him to see a doctor in the first place.
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Category: Male Fertility, sperm