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Motherhood after 40: Meet the mid-life mama

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Wednesday, January 04, 2012 | 0 comments

About 10,500 Canadian women over the age of 40 will give birth in 2012 - the greatest number the country has seen in 30 years. A few of those women share wisdom on waiting for motherhood.Twenty years ago, the notion of starting a family in one’s fifth decade raised eyebrows. Today, as a result of changing lifestyles and fertility technology, it’s not unusual.

As Toronto midwife Jennifer Goldberg puts it, 40 is the new 35.

Over the last 17 years, Goldberg has attended home births and hospital deliveries for an increasingly older clientele. She also had her own first child at 38 and the second at 41.

The trend is not surprising, says Goldberg. Women spend more time getting careers established these days. But when they do become pregnant at a later age, Goldberg finds, they are fully committed. “There are no feelings of ambiguity.”

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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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