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Lying down after insemination boosts pregnancy chanceLying down for ten minutes after artificial insemination may increase the chances of a successful pregnancy by 50 per cent, research has shown.

A study of 400 couples in the Netherlands found 27 per cent of women who remained lying down following insemination conceived compared with 18 per cent of those who did not.


Photo by jonnyeisler
Step closer to producing sperm & eggs from stem cellsResearchers at Stanford University, which harvested the stem cells from an embryo, claim the breakthrough could eventually cure infertility in men, birth defects and even extend the menopause in women.

Previous studies have claimed to have reproduced egg and sperm cells in the laboratory but they were always slightly damaged or malformed.

The researchers in the latest study believe their germ cells - the cells that eventually turn into sperm and eggs - are so perfect it would be possible to grow them into fully functioning reproductive cells.


Dr Xiao-Ping Zhai has helped hundreds of infertile women get pregnant, using acupuncture, herbs and boiled twigs

When, in the mid-1990s, Dr Xiao-Ping Zhai began using traditional Chinese medicine to treat infertility, her Harley Street practice was confined to a couple of rooms, each no bigger than a stationery cupboard. Patients would climb the four flights of stairs to sit on a hard chair in the tiny hallway outside her room, like lost and frightened children waiting to see the headmistress.

"I've seen so many women," she says smiling, "I know what I do works."

That is putting it mildly. Her practice has more than doubled in size in the past five years. She sees between 50 and 80 women a week, some of whom fly in from other countries. She now has two clinical assistants and a PA; the rooms are five times bigger and there are more of them.

The Zhai Clinic, 020 7486 8438;


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Edinburgh's Natural Fertility ClinicTICK… Tick… Can you hear that? It's Scotland's collective infertility timebomb telling us to get a move on and procreate. Because as the nation postpones starting a family until we are into our late 30s and even 40s, an estimated one is six of us experiences infertility at some point.

In an attempt to defuse the situation, a health expert recently suggested all women aged 30 take an 'MOT', to ensure any problems are spotted early enough to deal with them. But for those not currently in a breeding frame of mind, it's almost impossible to understand how hard discovering you are unable to have a child can hit.

The Edinburgh Natural Fertility Clinic (0131- 315 2130, is hosting an informal drop-in evening, Making Babies Made Easy, at the Apex Hotel, Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, on 28 October, 6.30pm to 8.30pm


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High Street fertility tests, such as the one’s produced by Fertell and available off-the-shelf or purchased online are unreliable in estimating childbearing years left, experts claim. They were valuable however for women undergoing IVF.

Women increasingly use either the blood or urine test to see how long they can continue their careers without having children. Tests do show how many eggs a woman has remaining, but they don’t reveal the quality or other underlying barriers to conception. Blocked Fallopian tubes, a major cause of infertility are also not part of the, “high street” test.


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"When will you give us good news?"

Most young married women have been asked this dreaded question within the first three months of their marriage.

But when the ‘good news’ takes more than the average time to come along, more often than not, older relatives begin to cast anxious looks and make obvious hints – in some insensitive families, it’s an outright attack on the fertility of the woman. Source

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Recent Keyword Searches: is it possible for a woman to conceive naturally at 43, lunar conception calculator, ivf in woman with low ovarian function, yoga, meditation to get pregnant at 44 years old, can you get pregnant during perimenopause
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More Subsidies for Infertility Treatment PromisedInfertile couples with monthly household income under W4.81 million will be able to get fertility treatment almost for free from next year (US$1=W1,155).

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs on Thursday said it will subsidize artificial insemination for infertile couples earning less than 150 percent of the national average from next year, in addition to the existing assistance program for in-vitro treatment, as a means of tackling the low birthrate.

This year's national average income for a two-person household was W4.81 million per month.
The assistance will cover up to W500,000 per artificial insemination up to three times, and W1.5 million for every in-vitro procedure, also up to three times.

For couples on welfare, up to W2.7 million per in-vitro procedure will be covered. Artificial insemination normally costs W500,000 per session, and an in-vitro procedure W3 million
. Source

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Alcohol linked to male and female fertility outcomesGiving up alcohol can help boost a couple's chances of conceiving, according to natural fertility experts.

Homeopaths Nicola Berman and Cassie Everett believe that avoiding drinking for three months can help improve the likelihood of pregnancy by creating the best possible conditions for healthy eggs and sperm.

"If you're trying to conceive, it's tempting to have a glass or two of your favourite tipple to relax and de-stress," they said.

"But research in the British Medical Journal shows that for women, alcohol can disrupt the hormonal balance during the menstrual cycle and reduce the chances of getting pregnant by half."

In addition, evidence suggests that alcohol consumption can also reduce a man's sperm count and mobility.

According to the Daily Express, TV and radio presenter Zoe Ball managed to conceive her second child after five years by giving up alcohol with her husband.


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Canada's older mothersMany of Canada's mothers are older. What makes them different than younger moms across the country? This graphic looks at some key demographic indicators of the older mom.


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Sasha McDonnell with daughter LibbyNorthern Ireland women suffering infertility due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) have been given new hope of having a family by simply changing their diet. The chronic condition, which has baffled medical experts for years, is being treated with amazing success by a special healthy eating regime called Dietcare which recently became available for the first time in Northern Ireland.

“Of the 100 women who took part in the trial, 66 got pregnant.”

For full details of local clinics log onto or from more information on PCOS or to access the online support group go to


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Infertility Causing Gene, Smad-3 IdentifiedScientists at Virginia Commonwealth University have identified a gene, which they assert causes infertility. They said that, such types of genes send molecular signals used for the ovarian follicle development. This may be a guiding source for learning the fertility related issues in humans.

The scientists used a mouse model to examine the role of Smad-3 in the early stages of follicular growth.

They on careful observation found that, follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH needs a particular gene to function in the body. So they confirmed that, the mice didn’t experience normal ovulation due to the absence of such gene.

Further, the researchers concluded that Smad-3 is an important class of proteins that are essential for follicle development.

"Learning precisely how the FSH receptor is regulated is an important step in understanding the subtle defects in signal transduction that can interfere with follicle development and female fertility and could lead to new types of fertility treatments," Prof Elizabeth McGee said.

These findings have been published in the current issue of 'Biology of Reproduction' journal.


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11-20-08 Dr. Antonio Gargiulo JAY REITER 11-20-08It was not long ago that most couples suffering from infertility had never heard the words reproductive endocrinologist or considered reproductive surgery as an option to help with their chances of conceiving a child.

However, today, thanks to advances in primary care medicine, a woman may find herself considering reproductive surgery, which is a conservative and minimally invasive surgical option, to help improve fertility. Despite advances in the field of fertility medicine, many women are not aware of the advantages of reproductive surgery.

Reproductive surgeons can use surgery to treat several gynecologic diseases that may pose a serious threat to a woman's fertility.


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Fertility clinics are for the first time to be rated on their likely chance of delivering a babyFertility clinics are for the first time to be rated on their likely chance of delivering a baby.

The information, to be included on a revamped website, marks a departure from "historical" guidance which experts say is unreliable.

Previously the "Choose a Fertility Clinic" service from the body that regulates and licenses In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) clinics only showed recorded live birth data.

The new site from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) continues to include those figures. But in addition it estimates the "predicted chance" of a live birth at each clinic, based on a range of values.


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Pelvic pains can lead to infertilityPelvic inflammatory disease is a painful condition affecting women. It occurs when the internal reproductive organs - the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries - become infected, often by a sexually-transmitted disease.

On top of short-term discomfort, the long-term effects can be chronic pain and even infertility. Here's what you need to know to try to avoid it...


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Hungry? You may be infertile, too, study saysWhile calorie restriction and exercise are promoted as the keys to longevity, running a negative energy balance risks compromising fertility.

In a study — the first of its kind — published in the September 21–25 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Meenakshi Alreja, associate professor of psychiatry and neurobiology at the Yale School of Medicine, and her colleagues looked into the molecular interactions that links hunger and infertility.

Her research reveals a molecular pathway that becomes amplified during conditions of low food availability, and thereby shuts down the activity of brain cells that control the onset of puberty, ovulation and fertility.

“Reproduction is expensive,” Alreja said. “We cannot afford to enter puberty and reproduce unless there is enough energy.”


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