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East Coast Fertility Aims to Build Families One Baby at a Time

Catherine McDiarmid-Watt | Monday, December 07, 2009 | 0 comments

East Coast Fertility Aims to Build Families One Baby at a Time East Coast Fertility is attempting to dispel the notion that all U.S. clinics pursue aggressive treatments and send patients home pregnant with multiples. While they want to achieve a pregnancy for the patient, their priority is health and safety. In addition, they are mindful of the burden multiple births can put on a country’s healthcare system.

(PRWeb UK) November 30, 2009 -- Many patients and doctors in the U.K. worry that cross-border fertility care in popular destinations such as the U.S., Spain and Greece involve overly aggressive treatments. They feel standard practices abroad are not in line with their recommendations for treatment. However, the fact remains that couples struggling to start a family sometimes have no other option but to seek help away from their homes. This is especially true in cases where egg donors are needed to achieve pregnancy. In the U.K. there is a three year wait for donor eggs, while the wait in the U.S. is much shorter. It makes sense for couples to travel to get the services they so desperately need, but they often fear that they will be encouraged to transfer several embryos at once and risk a multiple birth.

East Coast Fertility is attempting to dispel the notion that all U.S. clinics pursue aggressive treatments and send patients home pregnant with multiples. While they want to achieve a pregnancy for the patient, their priority is health and safety. In addition, they are mindful of the burden multiple births can put on a country’s healthcare system. Dr. David Kreiner of East Coast Fertility reflects on the negative opinion that sometimes surrounds cross-border fertility care. “We want patients abroad to know that we share their concerns, and our goal is to help them build their families one baby at a time.”

ECF offers a Single Embryo Transfer (SET) donor egg program. They encourage patients to pursue this protocol by removing the financial incentive from transferring multiple embryos at once. Many patients feel pressure to succeed the first time because of the high cost of treatment, so they risk multiple births by transferring several embryos during an IVF cycle. The SET donor egg program removes this financial pressure. For the price of a single donor egg cycle, patients transferring one embryo at a time get free cryopreservation, storage and unlimited frozen embryo transfers until the patient has a live birth. Unlike other cross border destinations, patients in the U.S. can choose well-screened donors based on personal preferences. The increased availability of donors, the ability to choose those donors and the SET program at ECF offer British patients the highest quality of care combined with the ethics and approach that they have come to expect in their home country.

“We were surprised to learn that patients in Spain are unable to choose their donor,” says Pamela Madsen, celebrated fertility blogger ( and member of the ECF staff. “And we know it’s common in many countries to transfer 2-3 embryos during a donor egg cycle. We want patients to know we can offer them more options. ”

Dr. Kreiner and his team recently traveled to London to offer consultations to couples there who were thinking of seeking treatment in the US. “I’m glad we took the time to meet with these couples personally,” said Dr. Kreiner. “It gave us a chance to show them that we offer high quality treatment with high quality standards.” East Coast Fertility offers free phone consultations to patients abroad. For additional information, visit their website at


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About Catherine: I am mom to three grown sons, two grandchildren and two rescue dogs. After years of raising my boys as a single mom, I remarried a wonderful man who had never had a child of his own. Unexpectedly, I found myself pregnant at 49!
Sadly we lost that precious baby at 8 weeks, and decided to try again. Five more losses, turned down for donor egg, foster care and adoption due to my age and losses - we have accepted that there will be no more babies in our house.

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