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Fireflies and jellyfish illuminate cause of infertilityGenes taken from fireflies and jellyfish are literally shedding light on possible causes of infertility and autoimmune diseases in humans.

Scientists are using the luminescent and florescent genes to illuminate cells that produce a hormone linked to conditions, which include rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

The technique will help scientists track the production of the hormone prolactin, which is crucial in ensuring supplies of breast milk in nursing mothers but can be over-produced by some pituitary tumours, causing infertility.


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Recent Keyword Searches: can a woman get pregnant over 40, having children after 40, how long can a is it possible to conceive over 40 without fertility treatment, age limit recommended to get pregnant, falling pregnant at 40
Time to update our over 40 Birth Statistics QuoteIt's time to update this quote:

"In 2005, there were more than 104,000 births in the United States to women ages 40 through 44, and over 6,500 to women 45 and older. In 2004, there were 1,786 live births to women over 42, using donor eggs."

Checking the 2007 birth stats today at the CDC and I found:
All races and origins
40–44 years................. 105,071 live births
45–54 years................ 7,349 live births

Next I went to SART, who has the 2007 IVF and Donor Egg rates in the US:

Fresh Embryos From Non-Donor Oocytes
Number of cycles : (40-42) 8,865 (43-44) 5,749
Percentage of cycles resulting in live births : (40-42) 11.7 (43-44) 4.6
Total live births : (40-42) 1,037.2 (43-44) 264.5

TOTAL (40-44) : 1,301.7

Thawed Embryos From Non-Donor Oocytes
Number of transfers : (40-42) 1,043 (43-44) 652
Percentage of transfers resulting in live births : (40-42) 20.7 (43-44) 14.6
Total live births : (40-42) 215.9 ( 43-44) 95.2

TOTAL (40-44) : 311

Total number of women conceiving from IVF (non-DE) (40-44) : 1,613

Donor Oocytes (all ages)
Number of transfers : (Fresh Embryos) 9,575 (Thawed Embryos) 5,087
Percentage of transfers resulting in live births : (Fresh) 55.2 (Thawed) 31.7
Total Live Births : (Fresh) 5,285.4 (Thawed) 1612.6

TOTAL births by Donor Egg (all ages) : 6,898

Number of live-birth deliveries resulting from ART cycles started in 2006: 41,343

How old were the women who used ART in the United States in 2006?
Figure 3: The average age of women using ART services in 2006 was 36. The largest group of women using ART services were women younger than 35, representing 39% of all ART cycles carried out in 2006. Twenty-three percent of ART cycles were carried out among women aged 35–37, 19% among women aged 38–40, 10% among women aged 41–42, and 10% among women older than 42.

Number of live-birth deliveries to women using ART older than 42 in 2007: 4,134

How did the types of ART cycles used in the United States in 2006 differ among women of different ages?
Figure 4 shows that, in 2006, the type of ART cycles varied by the woman’s age. The vast majority (96%) of women younger than 35 used their own eggs, whereas only 4% used donor eggs. In contrast, 21% of women aged 41 to 42 and more than half (55%) of women older than 42 used donor eggs. Across all age groups, more ART cycles using fresh eggs or embryos were performed than cycles using frozen embryos.

Number of live-birth deliveries to women using Donor Egg older than 42 in 2004: 2,274

So the updated quote becomes:
"In 2007, there were more than 105,000 births in the United States to women ages 40 through 44, and over 7,349 to women 45 to 54. In 2007, there were 2,274 live births to women over 42, using donor eggs."

Stock Photo credit: ejaycruz
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Pregnancy MiraclePregnancy Miracle
-- - A 279-page, instantly downloadable e-book presenting a 5-step, sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically proven holistic and ancient Chinese system for permanently reversing your in-fertility and your partner's in-fertility disorders and getting pregnant quickly, naturally and safely within 2-4 months without drugs, dangerous surgeries, side effects, or expensive in-fertility treatments. It's probably the most powerful in-fertility reversal system ever developed, and currently the best-selling e-book of its kind on the entire Web!

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"I will be your own personal coach, take you by the hand, and lead you through the lousy advice, hype and gimmicks...and directly to the sort of inner balance perfection that will end your battle with in-fertility forever and help you become a proud mother of your healthy children."

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Homeopathy - Another Medical Treatment Against InfertilityThe homeopathic treatment against infertility has contributed to the birth of 67 children in the Cuban province of Holguin.

Dr Gilling explained that after rigorous clinical trials and in accordance with their results, infertile patients are administered a homeopathic preparation that facilitates pregnancy.


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Recent Keyword Searches: hcg rise and viability, if estrogen is low can you get pregnant, dhea increase anti mullerian hormone, change of life babies, is it stillpossible for a45 years old woman to get pregnant?
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IVF Success Enhanced By New Method Of Assessing Womens EggsMany couples who have trouble conceiving a child have turned to a process known as in vitro fertilization. The resulting embryos are then transferred back into the woman or placed in storage. More than 400,000 embryos are currently in storage in the United States.

The quality of the egg is often the single greatest factor in the viability of the embryo, yet fertility experts lack a good method for assessing the eggs.


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Recent Keyword Searches: can women be pregnant when they are 40 above, sore breasts over 45, do women get pregnant at 48, can you get pregnant at 43, shortened follicular phase
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Hundreds of women anxious to know if they can have babies are visiting fertility clinics for a new blood test that reveals how long they can expect to be fertile.

Some are taking the test, which measures levels of an ovarian hormone, as part of IVF treatment or because of fertility fears following an illness.

But others are it using to help map out career and travel plans or even to find out how long they have to find someone to father their child.


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Recent Keyword Searches: can you ovulate age 48, early menopause trying to get pregnant, how does an older woman get pregnant, having children after 40, could i get pregnant at 41
Some Mothers Do Have Them - Zoe Whishaw, 44, Katy Arnander, 41, Pippa Savage, 45  Photo- ANDREW CROWLEY
Many women in their forties are realising their dreams of motherhood.

Clutching her exposed belly, where a small tattoo hints at her racy, child-free past, the expectant fortysomething mother lies on the doctor's couch, frown lines forming. ''Is the baby OK?'' Suddenly the room goes quiet as Professor Kypros Nicolaides, a legendary figure in the world of prenatal surgery, whirls through the door in a fireball of Greek Cypriot charisma. ''Heart, bladder, spleen, all perfect,'' he says, as he performs an ultrasound scan. ''Now stop behaving like someone in a Greek tragedy. Next question!''

According to Professor Nicolaides, the number of women having children late in life isn't just rising, it's an ''epidemic''. Today, in his private Harley Street clinic, many of his patients are in their late thirties and early forties. ''In 1970, five per cent of pregnant women were over 35, but in most European countries the figure is now 20 to 25 per cent,'' he says.


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Obese women have alterations in the environment around the ovary before they ovulate that appear to play a role in the well-documented association between obesity and reduced fertility, according to a recent report.NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese women have alterations in the environment around the ovary before they ovulate that appear to play a role in the well-documented association between obesity and reduced fertility, according to a report in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

"Characteristics of eggs are influenced by the environment in which they develop within the ovary," lead author Dr. Rebecca Robker, from Adelaide University, Australia, said in a statement. "Our study found that obese women have abnormally high levels of fats and inflammation in the fluid surrounding their eggs, which can impact an egg's developmental potential."


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Recent Keyword Searches: can a woman still get pregnant at 48, can women get pregnant at 40, does a 39 year old women need in-vitro to get pregnant?, assist reprodiction pregant for 45 year old or over in canada, women over 40 giving birth
Picture by vierdrie
TUESDAY, March 17 (HealthDay News) -- A hormone called kisspeptin may offer a new treatment for infertility, according to British researchers who found that the hormone can activate the release of sex hormones that control the menstrual cycle.

The study included 10 women who were not menstruating and were infertile due to a hormone imbalance. The researchers injected the participants with either kisspeptin or saline and then measured levels of two sex hormones -- luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) -- essential for ovulation and fertility.

The women who received kisspeptin had a 48-fold increase in LH and a 16-fold increase in FSH, compared to those who received the saline. The study is the first to show that kisspeptin can stimulate production of sex hormones in infertile women, according to the study's authors.

The findings were presented at a Society for Endocrinology meeting in the United Kingdom.


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When a couple is diagnosed with infertility, it can be an unexpected crisis in their livesMADISON - When a couple is diagnosed with infertility, it can be an unexpected crisis in their lives.

"It's not a challenge most couples expect to face," comments Julianne Zweifel, PhD, clinical psychologist with UW Health's Infertility and Reproductive Endocrinology Program.

The uncertainty of the situation is one of the reasons why fertility challenges are so difficult to manage emotionally. Is there truly a problem? If there is, how do you proceed? When do you stop? How do you manage the social and emotional issues related to infertility?


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Recent Keyword Searches: how easy is it to get pregnant at 43, clinics to get pregnant, fertility 40s, can i get pregnant naturally after ivf, pregnancy on the change of life
Obese men are more than three times as likely to have low sperm counts compared with their normal-weight peersNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese men are more than three times as likely to have low sperm counts compared with their normal-weight peers, a study out this month in the journal Fertility and Sterility shows.

The heaviest men were also at triple the risk of having a low count of progressively motile sperm -- sperm that swim forward in a straight line, Dr. Ahmad O. Hammoud of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and colleagues found.


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Recent Keyword Searches: can a woman 45 get pregnant, can you get pregnant in perimenopause, can you get pregnant at the age of 45, too late to have baby in 40s, youtube woman over 40 wanna get pregnant
Control your DNA destinyYour fertility
Some day, younger women might be able to find out how long they can wait before trying to get pregnant. Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas have discovered nearly 350 genes related to fertility, which may hold the key to causes of early infertility. “We hope to narrow down the genes with the greatest impact on fertility and test women to find out who carries defective versions; those who do can consider having children earlier,” says study author Diego Castrillon, M.D.

Override your DNA:

If any woman in your family has gone through menopause before age 40, or if you have erratic periods, ask your ob/gyn for a blood workup that includes a follicle-stimulating-hormone test; high FSH levels may indicate your ovaries aren’t functioning normally. Any woman can enhance her fertility by not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption and practicing safer sex. (STDs like chlamydia can damage reproductive organs.)

And if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year (six months if you’re older than age 35), ask for a referral to a fertility specialist: About 65 percent of women who seek medical assistance give birth successfully.


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A Hope to Prolong Fertility - Ovarian TransplantsFor Stephanie Yarber, who received a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure at age 14, conceiving children the old-fashioned way was a life's wish. In 2003, after several unsuccessful — and costly — courses of in vitro fertilization (IVF) using her identical-twin sister's donated eggs, Yarber began looking into other options. There was adoption, of course. But there was also a riskier experimental alternative: ovarian transplantation.

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Recent Keyword Searches: monica taneja fertility, having children at 42, signs your estrogen may be too high, pregnant or menopause-, conceiving in your 40s
Comparative Genomic Hybridization - a genetic process that analyzes the chromosomal integrity of the egg or embryo prior to it being transferred to a womans uterus in the course of In Vitro FertilizationFri, 06 Mar 2009 - NEW YORK, N.Y. — The Sher Institutes of Reproductive Medicine (SIRM) announced today the introduction of the world’s first CGH-Risk Sharing Plan that guarantees qualified IVF patients a baby or offers a full refund of the clinic’s medical fees. CGH is an acronym for Comparative Genomic Hybridization - a genetic process that analyzes the chromosomal integrity of the egg or embryo prior to it being transferred to a woman’s uterus in the course of In Vitro Fertilization. CGH reveals whether an egg or embryo has the correct number of chromosomes.


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Recent Keyword Searches: spain ivf clinic, pineapple pregnancy, when can menopausal women no longer get pregnant, can i still get pregnant with shorter cycles, how old woman get pregnant
the Answer to Hormone Replacement TherapyBio-identical hormones can only be truly bio-identical if the hormones for replacement mimic not only those chemically found in the body, but also mimic the natural biological process as well.

New research shines bright light on healthy hormone replacement therapy (HRT), suggesting that women must cycle their hormones and have a menstrual bleed to be truly safe from cardiovascular events. According to a recent Danish study, a combined cyclic regimen with monthly bleeding creates a lower cardiovascular risk for women than continuous-combined estrogen/progesterone/progestin therapy, which does not cause a menstrual bleed. The study also found that overall there was no increased risk of heart attacks in current users of HRT compared to women who had never taken hormones.

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Recent Keyword Searches: is ok to get pregnant in 41, having children after 40, 40 and trying to get pregnant, soy to get pregnant, is it true having kids after 40 has down syndrome
Obese women may be more likely to have fertility problemsObese women may be more likely to have fertility problems, according to new research.

Researchers from Adelaide University in Australia said that obese women have changes in their ovaries that could make it hard for eggs to become embryos.

Other work has shown that obese women take longer to get pregnant, even with regular menstrual cycles.


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