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As a woman's menstrual cycle shortens with advancing age, her odds of becoming pregnant decreasesNEW YORK (Reuters Health) - As a woman's menstrual cycle shortens with advancing age, her odds of becoming pregnant decreases, Swedish investigators report in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Dr. Thomas Brodin of Malarsjukhuset in Eskilstuna, Sweden, and colleagues analyzed successful pregnancy and delivery rates in 6,271 in vitro fertilization cycles in terms of menstrual cycle length. Their objective was to determine if cycle length could be used as a marker for fertility potential.

"Increasing age was associated with a subtle shortening of (average) menstrual cycle length. The (average) shortening of menstrual cycle length is about two days from the twenties to the forties," Brodin said in an interview with Reuters Health.

After accounting for age, the menstrual cycle length was directly related to the odds of pregnancy and delivery, the team found. "The chance of delivery after (in vitro fertilization) was almost doubled for women with a menstrual cycle length longer than 34 days compared with women with a menstrual cycle length shorter than 26 days."

Fertility and Sterility, November 2008

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Three Chicago Area Fertility Agencies Launch Shared Risk ProgramCHICAGO, Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Three leading area fertility solutions agencies today announced the launch of a unique cooperative program to help intended parents better manage the risk of egg donors dropping out before the retrieval process is completed.
The "Shared Risk Donor Program" is an initiative by The Center for Egg Options (CEO), Northbrook, IL; ConceiveAbilities, and Alternative Reproductive Resources (ARR), both of Chicago.

Egg donation is an increasingly common approach to achieving pregnancy when viable eggs are not otherwise available. Intended parents choose a donor through an agency, based on traits important to them. Her eggs are retrieved as part of a medical process, fertilized, and either carried by the birth mother or a gestational surrogate. The donor is compensated for her time and effort for the retrieval process.

Occasionally, egg donors will withdraw from the process for personal or medical reasons after the fee has been paid. The Shared Risk Donor Program gives intended parents the option of choosing a new egg donor from any of the three agencies should this happen. Participants will not incur any additional agency fees, even if the donor is not represented by their agency. There is a nominal enrollment fee.

"The process of building a family through advanced reproductive technologies can be stressful," said Nancy Block of CEO ( ). "The early loss of an egg donor doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's emotionally frustrating and a financial drain."

Nazca Fontes of ConceiveAbilities ( ) said that rather than leave would-be parents discouraged at being back at square one, this program gives them easy access to three times as many potential egg donors as they originally had, without a correlating agency cost.

According to Robin von Halle of ARR ( ), "We all recognized the problem and shared the desire to offer a solution that demonstrated how seriously we take our roles as advocates for our clients -- and as leaders at putting our industry in a more positive light."

For further information, contact Block at 847.656.8733; Fontes at 773.868.3971; or von Halle at 773.327.7325.


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When couples decide they want a baby they want a baby now, or at least nine months from now. So when month after month of "TTC" (trying to conceive) goes by and "2WW"(two weeks waiting) gets you a "BFN" (big fat negative) on your home pregnancy test, you and your "DH"(dear husband) are understandably disappointed, frustrated and shocked. Eventually many couples seek help, have a fertility workup and get prescriptions for injectable fertility drugs as part of a treatment plan which may also include IUI (intrauterine insemination) or IVF (in vitro fertilization).

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Photo by Dominic Morel
Keeping the romance alive, Photo by Dominic MorelKeeping the romance alive

Although communication is very important while trying to conceive a baby, it doesn't exactly scream romance. A variety of factors, both physical and psychological, will impact the level of romance that your relationship has when trying to conceive. If you've been trying to conceive for a while, you may have lost a lot of the excitement that used to come with sex.

It is really important to think back to what sex was like before baby-making was on your mind. When did you do it? How often? At what time of the day? Think about how much you enjoyed those times and try to get yourself back there.

For some couples, sexual love becomes compromised in the process of making a family. In order to avoid this and continue to feel fireworks when you get under the sheets with your partner, don't constrain sex to the fertile stage of the woman's cycle. If you continuously have sex just for reproduction, you may begin to build an unhealthy association with sex as a mechanical chore, which can be stressful for couples trying to get pregnant.

Another common cycle that reproduction-focused couples fall into is going straight for the finale without spending time on foreplay. Remember when your relationship first began, before baby-making was on your mind, and you would spend so much time just exploring each other's bodies? Well, go back to that.

Include foreplay in your sexual regime in order to avoid letting sex become simply a means to an end. Enjoy the process and enjoy being close to one another by remembering that you used to have sex for pleasure.

In order to keep your sex life thriving, it is important to focus on pleasure. Just because the mission is to get the sperm to the egg doesn't mean the experience can't be orgasmic and pleasurable for both members of the partnership.

Avoid skipping everything that would usually come before intercourse and going straight for the finale. Although it may be tempting to "get it over with," this is not romantic and will not keep your partner begging for more.

One way to bring back the romance and to incorporate foreplay into your baby-making routine is to communicate with your partner. Let your partner know how you feel and what you want.

Make sure you don't forget about the time when sex was about making love to your partner and not just about making a baby. If you keep this in mind throughout the baby-making process and you try to get back to that place, you'll be much better off in keeping the passion alive in your relationship while trying to expand your family.

For more information on fertility clinics in your area, use our clinic locator.


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Parents Via Egg Donation Organization offers information, resources and a sense of community to those considering or attempting to create families using donor eggs - and to those who already have families created via egg donation
Fertility treatment can be a difficult, complex, and often a secretive journey - even more so when couples or singles are not able to have children using their own eggs. But a new support group, Parents Via Egg Donation Organization (PVED), is offering information, resources and a sense of community to those considering or attempting to create families using donor eggs - and to those who already have families created via egg donation.

The global nonprofit organization has more than 2500 members who have joined the group seeking information, resources, and support as they go through the egg donation process. The membership includes couples and singles of various religions, races and sexual orientations. "Many of these individuals didn't feel like they had any means of receiving support, getting educated, becoming empowered, or had a voice," said Founder Marna Gatlin, who conceived her son with egg donation.
"Often they felt isolated."

Gatlin has run a small e-mail listserv for years, but recently realized the need for a central resource and created PVED. "I decided to create an organization that would embrace every parent who had chosen egg donation to grow their family," said Gatlin.
"And I took the idea a step further: this resource would be a global resource for unbiased, timely, and accurate information about egg donation, eliminating the need to search far and wide for piecemeal information and answers."

The organization offers how to information: How to select a donor; how to select an agency; how to select an infertility clinic; information about disclosure, medications, as well as information on the step-by-step egg donation process and resources and links where readers can learn more. Gatlin also offers information regarding agencies, legal and medical professionals, treatment centers, mental health therapists, pharmaceutical companies, and other resources.

The Parents Via Egg Donation Organization was created to provide an informational and supportive environment where parents and parents-to-be can come together to exchange information about all facets of the egg donation process. Our mission and purpose is to educate, support, and empower families and individuals at any stage of the process who choose to use egg donation to build a family.


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Advice from the experts can help keep a developing baby safe and on track

From conception to delivery, a fetus is at the mercy of its environment. A mother-to-be has more control over her internal chemistry than she might think, and her odds of having a healthy baby will be much improved if she follows these 10 tips.

1. Take steps even before you're pregnant
2. Don't delay an OB visit
3. Write down all meds
4. Don't drink
5. Don't smoke
6. Monitor the scales
7. Eat Smart

8. Get Moving
9. Don't get vitamin-happy
10. Check around the house

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Recent Keyword Searches: can a woman get pregnant during perimenopause, tests for trying to get pregnant at 40, pregnancy in 40's, you can get pregnant over 40, naturally, chances of a natural pregnancy at 43
The risks of trying to conceive a baby later in life, amid statistics about fertility plummeting with age and the relentless tick of the biological clock often hit the headlinesThe risks of trying to conceive a baby later in life, amid statistics about fertility plummeting with age and the relentless tick of the biological clock often hit the headlines.

But while the number of women giving birth in their late thirties and forties has doubled in the past decade, there is little focus on the psychological and physical challenges of late motherhood. No matter how much they want it, pregnancy and the turmoil of bringing up a baby can still come as a huge shock.

Two years ago, 40,659 mothers in England and Wales aged 35 and over gave birth, compared with 19,468 in 1996. Of the 669,601 babies born in 2006, 22,512 were born to mothers aged 40 and over, according to the Office for National Statistics. A further 1,064 mothers aged 45 to 49 gave birth to 1,123 children, and 55 women aged 50 and over had 71 children.

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Women will soon be able to delay motherhood into their 40s and beyond by having one of their ovaries removed and storedWomen will soon be able to delay motherhood into their 40s and beyond by having one of their ovaries removed and stored, the doctor behind the world's first whole ovary transplant has said.

Dr Sherman Silber, performed the transplant between two twins last year and the recipient, who cannot be named, is due to give birth in London today.

The technique will offer hope to women undergoing treatment for cancer which can leave them infertile by allowing them to store an ovary before having cancer treatment and then re-implanting it once they have the all clear.

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Can childless women ever be accepted by societyFor a few minutes, the conversation flowed well.

But then one of the women asked me the killer question that I knew would instantly make me a total outsider to this group of mothers: 'And how old are your children?'

Six pairs of eyes swivelled to me as I muttered my immortal line: 'I don't have children. I can't have them.'

Six faces took on an uncomfortable expression.

A conversation stopper? Too right it is.

In my 14 years of trying unsuccessfully to become a mother, I have come to realise what not being a parent really means.

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Tennessee Reproductive Medicine
Tennessee Reproductive Medicine (TRM), the newest full-service fertility and reproductive endocrinology clinic in the Chattanooga area, opened October 27 at 6031 Shallowford Road, Suite 101.

TRM specializes in the treatment of reproductive disorders that affect women of all ages, including infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids and women needing minimally invasive gynecologic surgery.

At TRM, understanding the emotional side of infertility is important, according to Dr. Scotchie.

TRM is committed to treating all women and couples with the highest level of care. For women who are having trouble with reproduction, there are several reasons to consider coming to TRM.

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