Want to have a boy? Eat a banana
Check out these fertility myths - or are they truths?
1. KEEPING a fella's crown jewels cool could boost your chance of conceiving a boy
2. EAT bananas for a boy
3. HAVE sex standing up
4. DEEP penetration during sex for a boy, shallow for a girl
5. HAVE sex close to ovulation for a boy, two to three days before ovulation for a girl
6. IF he climaxes first, you will get a boy. If she does, a girl
7. MAKE love at night on odd days of the month for a boy, in the afternoon on even days for a girl
8. GIVE into chocolate cravings
9. HAPPY marriages give you boys.
10. DRINK coffee before sex
11. EAT cereal for a boy
12. PUT a wooden spoon under your bed and a pink ribbon under your pillow for a girl.
Read more:
• Women Who Eat a Lot of Bananas Might Have a Higher Chance of Conceiving Boys
• Study shows bananas make baby boys
• Want a Baby Boy? Eat Bananas
The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health
by Toni Weschler
-- For any woman unhappy with her current method of birth control; demoralized by her quest to have a baby, or experiencing confusing symptoms in her cycle, this book provides answers to all these questions, plus amazing insights into a woman's body.
Weschler thoroughly explains the empowering Fertility Awareness Method, which in only a couple minutes a day allows a woman to:
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• Maximize her chances of conception or expedite fertility treatment by identifying impediments to conception
• Increase the likelihood of choosing the gender of her baby
• Gain control of her sexual and gynecological health

Click to order/for more info: Taking Charge of Your Fertility
Category: Fertility, Improve Your Love Life, infertility, ovulation