FSH:LH ratio significantly predicts IVF success, cancellation risk
Studying the value of the day 3 follicle stimulating hormone to luteinizing hormone ratio as a predictor of IVF success.
MedWire News: Measuring the ratio of follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) to luteinizing hormone (LH) on day 3 of an IVF cycle is an accurate way to predict cycle success and the risk for cancellation, report scientists.
FSH levels are used to predict chances of success but Ellen Greenblatt (Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and associates say they are limited in value unless significantly abnormal.
For their study, the team retrospectively reviewed the value of the day 3 FSH:LH ratio for predicting treatment success. They studied 297 women aged under 40 years who had FSH levels of 10 IU/L or less and were undergoing IVF for the first time.
Analysis revealed that treatment was significantly more successful in women with an FSH/LH ratio of less than 2.0, with cycle cancellation rates of 8.5 percent versus 19.6 percent in those with a day 3 FSH:LH ratio of 2.0 or over.
Women with a low day 3 FSH:LH ratio were also more likely than other women to become pregnant, at rates of 33.5 percent and 24.7 percent, respectively. Indeed, no pregnancies occurred in women with a very high FSH:LH ratio of 3.5 or over.
The day 3 FSH:LH ratio is a relatively easy test to obtain and adds more predictive power over the day 3 FSH level alone,
the researchers conclude.
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