Three pregnancies despite elevated serum FSH and advanced age
ABSTRACT: Although the transfer of fertilized donor oocytes is the most efficacious mode of conception for infertile women with hypergonadotrophism associated with incipient or apparent ovarian failure, there are many individuals who, for religious, ethical, or personal reasons, would prefer to try to conceive with their own oocytes.
The three cases presented here represent extremes to date for (i) highest serum FSH concentration in a woman with incipient ovarian failure (n = 2), and (ii) the oldest woman with apparent overt ovarian failure (n = 1) to have successful pregnancies. All three cases were treated for only a short time with pharmacological dosages of ethinyl oestradiol with luteal phase support with progesterone.
The peak FSH (mIU/ml) in cases 1 and 2 was 143 and 127 respectively. The precedents set in these cases can help physician-patient consultation when patients inquire whether there is a certain critical FSH concentration above which pregnancy is not possible or an age over which successful pregnancy could not be achieved even if ovulation despite ovarian failure was possible.
First case: A 36-year-old gravida 1, para 1 presented with a 3-year history of infertility. Her estradiol was less than 20 pg/ml, her FSH was 143 mIU/ml. Conceived 2nd cycle, delivered vaginally at full term.
Second case: A 35-year-old woman presented with primary infertility and oligomenorrhoea. FSH of 22 mIU/ml, estradiol was less than 20 pg/ml. She had a successful full-term delivery.
Third case: a 45y old woman, last menstrual period was 6 months previously, FSH of 35. She delivered a full-term healthy baby.
Read more: Human Reproduction, Vol. 15, No. 8, 1709-1712, August 2000© 2000 European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
by Marina Nicholas
-- The world of infertility can be complex and daunting.
This book helps couples navigate the world of infertility treatment and tells them how they can maximize their chances of conceiving by following the three essential steps—gaining a full understanding of what conception entails, completing the necessary fertility tests at the appropriate time, and choosing the treatment that will improve their chances of having a baby.
Each infertile couple is unique, and what suits one couple may not suit another.
Some may be more comfortable first looking into complementary therapies while others will opt for immediate in-vitro fertilization.
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It also will ensure they are both better informed and more open to all forms of treatment as they embark on their journeys to parenthood.

Click to order/for more info: 3 Steps to Fertility
Category: Donor Egg, FSH, Gonal-F, infertility, ovarian reserve, ovulation shutdown, Too Old