Infertility Calls From Sharkley Healing Centre
From the site:
I just wanted to let you know that next month in August (which I can't believe is just around the corner) I will be doing the teleconference calls on various topics related to fertility issues.
We do not charge for these calls as they are a benefit of yours because you are member of our site. You can listen in from any land line anywhere in the world. Instructions will be sent to you shortly after you sign up for the call.
There are two separate calls for each topic because we have received feedback from those in the US that they were unable to join in on the calls in the past due to the time difference. So one of the calls will be labeled US/Canada call.
The times in Australia should accomodate those located in the UK, AUS, NZ, and most of Asia.
Sunday Aug 5th Brisbane QLD time 7:30 PM
UK London time: 10:30 am August 5th
US/Canada call
Sunday Aug 5th 8:00PM USA Central Standard Time
Sunday August 12th Brisbane time 7:30PM
UK London: Sunday August 12 10:30 AM
Sunday August 12th 8PM USA Central Standard time
Sunday Aug 26th Brisbane QLD 7:30 PM
UK London time: Sunday August 26th 10:30 am
Sunday August 26th 8PM USA Central Standard Time
If you are interested in any of these teleconferences that are going to be jam packed with 60-90 minutes of the newest information related to the above topics and information that has helped couples in the past create viable pregnancies, please send us an email at
DO NOT CALL us to register, PLEASE EMAIL, with your registration. The
calls accomodate 96 participants and will filled be on a first come
first serve basis.
Make sure when you send the email, you include
1)your name
2)what email address you would like us to send the information about the call.
3)pls be specific about which teleconference you would like to attend.
4)Send any questions you would like addressed on the call
I will announce the September Schedule in a few weeks. In September we will be discussing Recurrent MIscarriage, Endometriosis and Fertility Over 40.
Category: Healing, infertility, Male Fertility, PCOS