Acupuncture improves fertility
Acupuncture improves fertility by reducing high FSH and by increasing the egg quality and quantity.
The quality of the eggs depends on two things: the integrity of the DNA and the environment in which they were developed during the follicular phase (the first half of the cycle). The integrity of the DNA is genetically predetermined and is subject to damage by chemicals we are exposed to over the years, as well as the degradation with age. Even though no improvement can be made on the integrity of the DNA, there is a way with acupuncture and herbs to improve the environment in which the follicles were developed.
Introducing Acupuncture for Infertility Protocol developed by Daniel Lee here in Laguna Hills, CA. This protocol involves maximizing the blood flow to the ovaries to ensure a constant and steady supply of hormones and nutrients they need for the normal growth. This goal is accomplished by relaxing the patient's whole body, thereby reducing the competition of the blood flow to the rest of the body and allowing more blood flow to the ovaries at the same time.
This protocol was inspired by the same principle we use daily in running the landscape irrigation system for a house. If our goal is greener grass in the backyard, we first need direct more water flow to the backyard. That means increasing the watering time or turning up the flow volume for the backyard, and at the same time reduce the watering time and decreasing the flow volume to the front yard, if the water supply is limited. When the egg-bearing follicles are bathed with constant, uninterrupted supply of hormone and nutrients they will flourish.
Among the infertility patients who have high FSH or are advanced in age and have poor egg-production, some are unfortunately have DNA issues that can't be helped. My heart goes out for them. However, some of these patients can see an improvement when Acupuncture for Infertility Protocol is applied. The best way to find out if an infertility patient can improve the egg quality or quantity is to try this Protocol. If it works, the patient will have a baby with next IUI or IVF. If it does not work, the patient will have the comfort of knowing that she has done her best in giving her eggs the best environment to grow and that it may be time to move on to the next step such as donor eggs.
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Category: Accupuncture, FSH, Hormones, Old Eggs