Scientists Find Way to Restore Egg Production
A team of Harvard scientists is claiming the discovery of a reservoir of cells that appear capable of replenishing the ovaries of sterilized mice, possibly providing new ways to help infertile women have babies.
While cautioning that more research is needed to confirm that similar cells exist in women and that they can safely restore fertility, the researchers said the findings could revolutionize the understanding of female reproduction and the power to manipulate it.
This may launch a new era in how to think about female infertility and menopause,
said Jonathan L. Tilly, a reproductive biologist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who led the research. It is being published in tomorrow's issue of the journal Cell.
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by Librarian Avenger / Erica Firment, on Flickr
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Category: Fertility, infertility, menopause, stem-cell research